The Tenters Remembered
Following on from the success of Tenters 100 – the centenary year celebrations to mark the building of the Fairbrothers Fields Tenant Purchase Housing Scheme, a new local heritage group – ‘The Tenters Celebrated’ – has been formed.
Its mission is “to is to preserve and maintain the various historical factors that have shaped the community of the area in south central Dublin within the Liberties, known as the Tenters. Our aim is to reflect on the sense of place that our community has experienced since it was first established, so that future generations can appreciate the heritage of this area. We hope to achieve this by promoting an understanding of the past, present and future of the area and by collecting and communicating materials that foster historical knowledge”.
The group has now published a booklet of short stories relating to The Tenters, called ‘The Tenters Remembered’. With generous support from local business, Massey Bros, they have been able to deliver free of charge, a printed copy to homes within the Tenters boundary.
The publication also features a distinctive Ordinance Survey of Ireland map of The Tenters for the inside cover. It’s the perfect complement given that four former employees of the OSI are commemorated within the Fairbrother’s Fields Housing Scheme (John O’Donovan, James Clarence Mangan, Eugene O’Curry and George Petrie).
You’ll find a link to the stories here.
You can contact The Tenters Celebrated at tenters.tales@gmail.com.